
Structual Linguistics

SL origined from Structualism beginning in the 19th and 20th century. The initiator of SL is Ferdinand de Saussure, famous as "Father of Linguistics". SL deals mainly with how words form, i.e. larger structures and line between form and meaning in language. Compared to traditional grammar, SL focuses on the form of currently-spoken language, that is what we named synchronic study. There are three pairs in Saussure's theory: Langue vs. parole (system and use of language), Prescriptive vs. Descriptive Linguistics (the former is about how language should be used instead of how it is actually used, which is applied in language-teaching; the latter regards language as a symbolic system, through which people communicate. The latter tries to describe the existing language system.) , and Sychronic and Diachronic Linguistics.

In this presentation, what confused me a lot is about language and signs. Language is a sign or sign is a language? Which approaches to the truth more?

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