
How to tell when your boss is lying


Corporate psychology

How to tell when your boss is lying

It's not just that his lips are moving

“ASSHOLE!” That was what Jeff Skilling, the boss of Enron, called an investor who challenged his rosy account of his firm’s financial health. Other bosses usually give less obvious clues that they are lying. Happily, a new study reveals what those clues are.
David Larcker and Anastasia Zakolyukina of Stanford’s Graduate School of Business analysed the transcripts of nearly 30,000 conference calls by American chief executives and chief financial officers between 2003 and 2007. They noted each boss’s choice of words, and how he delivered them. They drew on psychological studies that show how people speak differently when they are fibbing, testing whether these “tells” were more common during calls to discuss profits that were later “materially restated”, as the euphemism goes. They published their findings in a paper called “Detecting Deceptive Discussions in Conference Calls”.
Deceptive bosses, it transpires, tend to make more references to general knowledge (“as you know…”), and refer less to shareholder value (perhaps to minimise the risk of a lawsuit, the authors hypothesise). They also use fewer “non-extreme positive emotion words”. That is, instead of describing something as “good”, they call it “fantastic”. The aim is to “sound more persuasive” while talking horsefeathers.
When they are lying, bosses avoid the word “I”, opting instead for the third person. They use fewer “hesitation words”, such as “um” and “er”, suggesting that they may have been coached in their deception. As with Mr Skilling’s “asshole”, more frequent use of swear words indicates deception. These results were significant, and arguably would have been even stronger had the authors been able to distinguish between executives who knowingly misled and those who did so unwittingly. They had to assume that every restatement was the result of deliberate deception; but the psychological traits they tested for would only appear in a person who knew he was lying.
This study should help investors glean valuable new insights from conference calls. Alas, this benefit may diminish over time. The real winners will be public-relations firms, which now know to coach the boss to hesitate more, swear less and avoid excessive expressions of positive emotion. Expect “fantastic” results to become a thing of the past.


Dafydd Gibbon

Dafydd Gibbon

Bielefeld University, Germany

Dafydd Gibbon

How to become a linguist: some complicated ways

Why and how did I become a linguist? Coincidences? Parental heritage? Because I was no good at drawing freehand maps of Australia? Because of a love affair as a student? Discourse theorists say that we regularly reconstruct our past so that it makes sense as a coherent story. That is what I am doing right now, trying to weave many unrelated strands together into the compact magic carpet which has carried me through my career. As a Welsh Baptist minister, my father moved between chapels in Yorkshire (where he met my mother and I was born), London, Yorkshire again (where I went to elementary school), Wales and Norfolk (where in both cases I went to secondary school), before I went to King's College, University of London, to study German and French. The family environment was and is very aware of linguistic and cultural diversity – in fact my siblings are scattered around the world today in four countries and three continents. My first contact with other languages was obviously through my father, who learned English as a foreign language in school but (unfortunately) did not speak Welsh at home, and my Welsh farming grandparents, who normally spoke Welsh, but (unfortunately) switched to English when we arrived for the summer holidays.

I was unaware of being party to language endangerment at that time: I learned Welsh at secondary school, and was not particularly fluent, though as an older pupil, when it was my turn to read from the Welsh Bible my reading (possibly with a slight Yorkshire accent?) was apparently highly convincing – an early mark of a future phonetician, maybe, or perhaps of a future text–to–speech synthesis researcher? Welsh has (fortunately) lost its acute endangerment status in the meantime, unaided by me.

My languages in school were English, German (which I selected in preference to Geography for reasons hinted at in the first sentence above), French, Latin and Welsh. Languages and physics were my strong points, and my knowledge of some areas of physics (later enhanced by a hobby: amateur radio) was of inestimable value for my later research in computational linguistics, phonetics and speech technology.

At King's my interest was initially in German and French literature and in theology, and of course in 1960s hippie and rock culture (anyone remember the Holy Ground Club in Notting Hill?) and the 1968 anti–war demonstrations. I rapidly became fascinated by the history of languages, both in my courses and in intercollegiate lectures. During a study year abroad at Erlangen University, Germany, I not only came into contact with the German dialects I had already studied but fell in love with a young lady from Kalamazoo who perchance introduced me to her professor of English Studies, who in turn employed me to teach conversation classes. Subsequently, by a remarkable coincidence, the professor, Theodor Wolpers, had moved to Göttingen when I applied to Göttingen University for a lector's position three years later, and employed me again.

After two years of lectoring and taking courses in philosophy and Indo–European studies, another fortunate coincidence occurred. In 1970 the late Tom Gardner, linguist and artist, left his colleagues Ilse Lehiste, Chuck Fillmore, Arnold Zwicky, and David Stampe in the fertile Ohio State University niche and came to Göttingen. Tom was the strongest formative influence on my linguistic development. He immediately decided I needed to do 'real linguistics', 'real logic', 'real computational stuff', and after a while I became employable in this field. Tom's mentoring led to a doctorate on prosody and later to various jobs in Göttingen, Cologne ('Theory and Practice of Translation') and, in the early 1980s, Bielefeld ('English and General Linguistics'), where I have since been enjoying my family, my teaching, researching and publishing in computational linguistics, language documentation and speech technology, and my travelling and guitar playing.

During this time I have had the great good fortune to meet and work with excellent doctoral students and distinguished linguists from all corners of the globe (Poland, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Canada, U.S.A., Jordan, Taiwan, ...) as well as Europe, and to participate in many funded international projects, such as SAM (of SAMPA fame), EAGLES, VerbMobil, E-MELD, DoBeS, FLaReNet, ABUILD (and others can be googled). These projects have provided the material basis for the international networks which have been so successfully extended by my students, who have enlightened me on many languages, and to whom I owe my greatest intellectual debts. Like my family, my students are now also scattered around the world and occasionally invite me to perform for their students. As with the most recent coincidence, in fact, which set me 'à la recherche de la cohérence perdue' in the form of this personal biosketch.

Save The Words

Save The Words


Public relations: PR blacklist | The Economist

Public relations: PR blacklist | The Economist: "PR blacklist
Aug 10th 2010, 18:50 by R.L.G. | NEW YORK

A BIT of synergy here: my colleagues and I at this blog decry overused words in journalism. As journalists, we are also on the receiving end of quite a few press releases (I'd conservatively estimate about seven quadrillion a second), and they are often very tired in their attempts to grab attention. So Kudos to Adam Sherk, a public-relations and strategy consultant, for putting together this list of the most overused words in PR. Extra Kudos for backing it up with actual data. The numbers below are the number of mentions in a single database of press releases, PRWeb.com. So yes, it seems everyone is a 'leader,' nearly everyone is the 'best,' at the 'top' and of course, 'unique'. This isn't even Lake Wobegon, where all the children are above average; it's an even more mathematically improbable world where everyone is number one.

leader 161,000
2 leading 44,900
3 best 43,000
4 top 32,500
5 unique 30,400
6 great 28,600
7 solution 22,600
8 largest 21,900
9 innovative 21,800
10 innovator 21,400"